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Where We Can Found Happiness ?

Where We Can Found Happiness ?

                                     Image credit : pxhere.com

Now let's move on to second question.Where we can found Happiness ?

As we know Happiness is not a thing right,which we can take it from somewhere and we dont know where it is.
Ofcource if someone wants to be happy.He have to take some little steps,Little changes in her life.Like if before he is doing and taking his life decisions on the basis of what other people says like his close ones.even if he dont like all this decisions,he don't feel the right way after taking all this decisions,than he should definetely change this habits to change his life.

When can a person be fully happy?
When a person is doing exactly what his heart saying,than he will become more satisfied,happy and peaceful
I am not against any person or parents or society but the reality is this in search of true happiness the other person can't give full support or even cant able to understand what you want and why you behave differently.

Only you can find out what gives you the real happiness..which is based on what's your role or what is your soul purpose
once you find out you become happy and peaceful.

Moral :- Always Follow your heart and don't blame others for anything.Remember nothing is happens without god's Wish.Everything happens according to god's wish and good for the mankind.
( To be continued to Why Happiness is different for everyone

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